CSA week one: Eggs with a story!

Today was the first delivery from our new CSA, the first one we've joined since moving to Missouri. It's through Kevin's work and is considerably cheaper than any we found in Massachusetts. It also has much more variety.

Today we got:

  • baby bok choy
  • 2 nice cukes
  • cherry tomatoes
  • pickled beets
  • a lb of local cheddar
  • sourdough from a local bakery
  • a lb of local organic beef
  • a cookbook (Eating Local)
  • honey sticks from local apiaries
  • and a dozen eggs that came complete with a story.
The eggs and story are, of course, what charmed me. It reads:

Good Morning! We arrived home last night after being out of state for several days to attend Grandmom Edna Shrock's funeral. Brother-in-law LaVern Swartzentruber did a good job taking care of the chickens and gathering eggs. This morning our little girls are so excited to find the first red strawberries out in the garden. Enjoy your day! 

I'm thrilled. Missouri is looking better every day.

(c) 2013 Laura Packer


PostMuse said…
I wish all food came with a story. We would probably eat better if it did. Imagine picking up a loaf of bread and having a tag on it that said, "Today, as I was kneading this bread, I saw a hummingbird resting on a small branch just outside the window. He seemed to be catching his breath, reminding me, too, to enjoy the moment."

But ... maybe people would just think it too preachy. I got yelled at once when a woman in Whole Foods asked if I knew where to find the Miracle Whip and I said WF doesn't carry that but the safflower mayonnaise might be a good substitution. She thought I was being "sanctimonious." I was just trying to help.

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