Quick sage pesto

For dinner tonight I made a quick pesto for boneless chicken thighs on the grill. I used to be afraid of pesto, always measuring out all the ingredients, but have finally realized it's just a matter of throwing a green herb, garlic and olive oil into the processor.The photos are terrible, so you just get the recipe. I expect the pesto would be great on potatoes too.

In a food processor or mortar and pestle smush together:

  • a lot of garlic (I used an entire head of cloves)
  • at least 10 good sized sage leaves, fresh from the garden
  • enough olive oil to encourage emulsion
  • salt and pepper to taste

Smear it on your chicken, potatoes, whatever and grill. Don't breath on anyone afterwards, this is a lot of garlic. Enjoy!

(c) 2010 Laura S. Packer


Ellie O'Leary said…
"enough olive oil to encourage emulsion" This could be a good motto for me. You never outgrow your need for olive oil.
Unknown said…
"HisTechnoAngel" here from Swap-Bot Blogger swap :). I love Pesto and this recipe sounds delicious! I used to make Turkey & pesto wraps (soooo good, especially in the summer for a quick lunch). I am not sure where to get sage leaves but I will have to try this! I also agree with Ellie about olive oil, and that is a great quote, too!

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